func main() {
var outputBlock, outputChannelCreateTx, profile, channelID, inspectBlock, inspectChannelCreateTx, outputAnchorPeersUpdate, asOrg string
flag.StringVar(&outputBlock, "outputBlock", "", "The path to write the genesis block to (if set)")
flag.StringVar(&channelID, "channelID", provisional.TestChainID, "The channel ID to use in the configtx")
flag.StringVar(&outputChannelCreateTx, "outputCreateChannelTx", "", "The path to write a channel creation configtx to (if set)")
flag.StringVar(&profile, "profile", genesisconfig.SampleInsecureProfile, "The profile from configtx.yaml to use for generation.")
flag.StringVar(&inspectBlock, "inspectBlock", "", "Prints the configuration contained in the block at the specified path")
flag.StringVar(&inspectChannelCreateTx, "inspectChannelCreateTx", "", "Prints the configuration contained in the transaction at the specified path")
flag.StringVar(&outputAnchorPeersUpdate, "outputAnchorPeersUpdate", "", "Creates an config update to update an anchor peer (works only with the default channel creation, and only for the first update)")
flag.StringVar(&asOrg, "asOrg", "", "Performs the config generation as a particular organization, only including values in the write set that org (likely) has privilege to set")
logging.SetLevel(logging.INFO, "")
logger.Info("Loading configuration")
config := genesisconfig.Load(profile)
if outputBlock != "" {
if err := doOutputBlock(config, channelID, outputBlock); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error on outputBlock: %s", err)
if outputChannelCreateTx != "" {
if err := doOutputChannelCreateTx(config, channelID, outputChannelCreateTx); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error on outputChannelCreateTx: %s", err)
if inspectBlock != "" {
if err := doInspectBlock(inspectBlock); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error on inspectBlock: %s", err)
if inspectChannelCreateTx != "" {
if err := doInspectChannelCreateTx(inspectChannelCreateTx); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error on inspectChannelCreateTx: %s", err)
if outputAnchorPeersUpdate != "" {
if err := doOutputAnchorPeersUpdate(config, channelID, outputAnchorPeersUpdate, asOrg); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error on inspectChannelCreateTx: %s", err)