def __init__( self, name, sched='cfs', **kwargs ):
Host.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
# Initialize class if necessary
if not CPULimitedHost.inited:
# Create a cgroup and move shell into it
self.cgroup = 'cpu,cpuacct,cpuset:/' +
errFail( 'cgcreate -g ' + self.cgroup )
# We don't add ourselves to a cpuset because you must
# specify the cpu and memory placement first
errFail( 'cgclassify -g cpu,cpuacct:/%s %s' % (, ) )
# BL: Setting the correct period/quota is tricky, particularly
# for RT. RT allows very small quotas, but the overhead
# seems to be high. CFS has a mininimum quota of 1 ms, but
# still does better with larger period values.
self.period_us = kwargs.get( 'period_us', 100000 )
self.sched = sched
self.rtprio = 20